Department of Commerce is one of the pioneering departments of Nazareth
Margoschis College at Pillaiyanmanai, which came into existence in the year 1982
with an introduction of Under graduate programme (B.Com).The Department of
Commerce aims to impart in-depth knowledge and professional skills in the field
of Commerce and make the graduates qualified and competent. The students with
acquired knowledge and skills find themselves well equipped as Accountant,
Company Secretary, Cost Accountant, Business Administrator and Auditor. The
department offer Regular and Self Finance Course in Bachelor Degree and Self
Finance course in Post Graduate level. It widens its sphere by introducing Self-Finance
course both Under Graduate and
Post Graduate Programmes (B.Com & M.Com) in the year 2003. The Department introduced M.Phil.,
programme in the year 2008.The Department was approved by Manonmaniam
Sundaranar University as Research Centre in the Year 2018. The curriculum is
taught by a distinguished faculty combining academic excellence and real world
experience with dedication and commitment.
- About Us
- _An Overview
- _Vision & Mission
- _Scope
- Faculty
- _Aided
- __Dr. S. Arulraj Ponnudurai
- __Dr. R. Santhi Salomi
- __Dr. D. Jesura Pauline
- __Dr. S. Gnanasumathi
- __Dr. J. Johnson Pandian
- _Un-Aided
- __Dr. J. Immanuel Nallathambi
- __Mrs. P. Ancy Ebenezer
- __Dr. K. Syed Rahamath Beema
- __Mr. S. Isaac Christopher
- __Mr. Sweeton Obednecho
- __Mr. I. Ebraim
- __Mrs. P. Hena Glory
- __Mrs J. G. Jabesta Inbalatha
- Academic
- _Program Specific Outcome
- _Course Outcome
- Syllabus
- _Semester I
- _Semester II
- _Semester III
- _Semester IV
- _Semester V
- _Semester VI
- Photo Gallery
- _AY 2021-2022
- __General
- _AY 2020-2022
- _AY 2019-2020
- __Association Meeting
- __Extension Activities
- __Webinar
- E-Content
- _Videos
- _Documents
- Contact